What We Say
Do you remember the scene in "You've Got Mail" when Meg Ryan says that she wishes she could say exactly what she wanted to say when she needed to say it? Then Tom Hanks replies that he is the guy who can articulate well, quickly, and often - with regret. Which category do you fall into?
I am certainly the later, at least - most often. I find myself able to find the near perfect words to convey love, disappointment, frustration, motivation - whatever might be desired at the moment. Unfortunately Lance.
I all too often forget the power that my words have. As I think of King David, I often wonder if he ever wished to retract some retort or banter. Certainly, from the Psalms we are able to see that he was a Wordsmith. Someone who crafted and wove together some of the most beautiful and painful strings of words ever uttered. When used skillfully they leave us encouraged and wooing over our King. What then, if these same skills were used to communicate pain and frustration to those around him? Just as David brings us to the throne in adoration, so also can his articulation bring us to a sickly look at ourselves and our ineptitude.
When it comes to communicating with our husbands, we to hold power which can edify them or begin to tear them down.
When do you find yourself speaking negatively towards your husband? It can be true or untrue statements about him, but still negative. Let's cover different aspects of life in which you can be intentional about developing a language that draws your husband to the throne of God rather than reminding him of who he used to be. Your husband is a co-heir with Christ Jesus, let's learn to speak to him as such.