Thursday, June 28, 2007

Open Conversation

It has been my experience, albeit very limited experience, that marriage can be the most delightful and natural experience for one person - yet, to another, the most effort full and condemning. Recent conversations with several couples have motivated me in several aspects. One being contemplation and thanksgiving. Another prayer and meditation. And still another - consultation.

This blog is the manifestation of the later. Many of you have probably, on some occasion, heard me say that things kept in darkness only grown to become strong, rather than dying away in their hidden places. Each of you have experienced this in some part of life. Perhaps you looked in the mirror once and thought you needed to lose some weight, and rather than express it to a friend (who would have quickly rectified your misjudgement) you let it linger, the thoughts increased and soon you skipped a meal or launched into an unhealthy workout pattern. OR if not that - then you harbored thoughts of frustration towards a friend, you grew more bitter and soon you found yourselves arguing over things that were not really important. If you had only exposed those thoughts early - it would have killed it there, in the light.

Certainly things are no different in marriage. If anything, these truths are only amplified. I have found that I am quick to let a small incident escalate into something that drives us apart for days. Foolishness.

So - in the spirit of avoiding foolishness, which I assume everyone is on board with, and in the spirit of improving marriage and life (I assume again) - let's talk.

I have a few things in mind, I will move forward with those. I do want you to offer suggestions this week - leave a comment, let me know what you would like to see discussed here, what you would like to see other women's thoughts on. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a message (leave it anonymously) or send me an email.

At the very least, tell me if you think this is worth while - do you think you would read it once a week? Please let me know.

your friend and amateur wife,


Erin said...

great idea. even if it's just two people.

Unknown said...

Would love to get your wisdom Danielle! I think this is a fabulous idea!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea, I would be interested in hearing others' points of view on different aspects of marriage.

Courtney said...

glad to find you, danielle...been a long time. Always love to hear your insight on all things. c.emert

Matt and Sarah Pitts said...

Sounds great, count me in! Let's build one another up to the glory of the Lord, and the joy of our husbands. :)

Evelyn & Floyd said...

dear amateur.

have always loved your musings... i'm down like a clown.


Evelyn & Floyd said...

dear amateur.

have always loved your musings... i'm down like a clown.


April Ellenburg said...

yay, i'll read it though I am not sure how much I can contribute...I don't know as many big words as you do either. Love you. Keep it coming