My husband came across this image on a sight which combines humor with science and philosophy. He is a nerd. Anyway - as soon as he called me over to see the picture I could see where this was going.
We laughed together then he asked " I wonder how many of the women you are friends with make their husbands perform trick after trick in order to have a little intimacy?"
What a wonderful question! I hope this image makes you ask yourself if you are being unreasonable in your expectations for your husband when it comes to time in bed. Are you expecting him to do some unimaginable series of tricks in order to have sex? or even treating him like he doesn't have a right to your body, but rather he has to earn it?
Don't forget: Your body is his. His body is yours.
He shouldn't have to solve a Rubik's cube in order to make love.
LOL! This made me laugh. It also makes me sad. I often feel, as a woman, that I am on the opposite side of this. My husband and I are best friends and I truly mean that. We dated a long time. Got married and intimacy was great...then it wasn't. I have thought about it, we have talked about it. He has told me he thinks things are fine. He told me once I was too aggressive...I backed off...nothing happened. I asked him about it again...then I wasn't aggessive enough.
Cute clothes to bed...been there
Nothing to bed...done that...
prayed about it and still am, but at the end of my rope. Everything else in our relationship is pretty much perfect...but this one thing. I can deal with it, but not being able to solve this puzzle is driving me bonkers! I wonder if anyone else has this issue. Going without those moments for two to three weeks.
I am initially at a lose for words with this. I can say that consistency is important on your part. Don't grow weary in doing good. I will pray for a hope and persistence for you. Again, I will reiterate how important the whole of our marriage is. Continue to respect and love your husband. I can not promise he will change, but I can guarantee God is glorified in your patience.
YAY! I'm married and get to participate! Hooray hooray!
I think the hubs would identify very much with this photo! I think our biggest issue right now is still adjusting our internal time clocks. Moving overseas and adjusting to a new time zone has just made me... well, tired. That, and stress of work and the move has just left me feeling... well, not like I did on our honeymoon just two months ago. I feel bad, but at the same time, am so weary that I just want to put my head on my pillow at night and go to sleep. But... we are talking about it and here are our current tricks - trying to go to bed earlier so as to build time in so I don't feel like its impeding on sleep... and also trying out Saturday morning since we don't really have anything going on anyway. I guess its a stop-gap measure for now and hopefully not a routine, but again, we're talking about it and I'm definitely avoiding the mindsight of the "earner" as that's the last kind of wife I want to be!
Thanks Danielle! I must say Baby Jameson looks just like Lance! I hope you sing "Sweet Baby James" to the little one. A little James Taylor... ;)
In an effort to leave this anonymous (but who of your friends just moved overseas and got married two months ago... check facebook if you need a hint), I will simply sign Mrs. N.
Hurray! Danielle is blogging again! I haven't checked out this sight in forever! The cute picture made me think of something that enters my brain off and on. Here goes....
Mr. and Mrs. L (I liked the way Mrs. N signed her name) has been married for two years now (YEY) However, I (Mrs. L) am bored with Victoria's Secret. I like lingerie...but after shopping there so much it has gotten to the point where it all kind of looks the same. Kind of like if I have it in purple should I buy it again this year because it is in blue...oh...and wait for it...they changed it up because they added a ruffle! HA HA HA!!! (So not kidding) surely you know what I am talking about. Anywho, I have tried to find a cute boutique here in Dallas that sells cute stuff that is not too crazy, but nothing so far. Thoughts or ideas anyone? Surely there is a cute place out there I just haven't found! I AM ON A QUEST...and I think I have my work cut out for me!
Mrs. L -
I don't think you necessarily need new lingerie - but maybe a new approach to what you have. Maybe try using the lingerie as build up for play later. For example - why not tell your husband you packed him a lunch, in the bag put a pop tart and a piece of lingerie with a note attached - something like "hope this will tie you over until later."
But I will keep an ear out for shops for you in the dallas area!
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